Monday, July 2, 2012

Hey everyone!

  This week was pretty great, we were able to get alot done. So we taught Kodie this week at a members home, we taught him about baptism and confirmation and read the baptism interview questions. And we were able to set a date for him to be baptized, July 21st is the date we set with him! And that's the week after the transfer, so  hopefully I'll get to stay another transfer and be able to see him be baptized. The only thing that is holding him back from 100% knowing that this is true is that he doesnt for sure know that there is a God, so thats what were going to focus on with him, and once he knows that, the rest will fall into place and he will be super comfortable being baptized. Then we were able to go over to metlakatla on Friday and Saturday. It was pretty sweet, didn't get tons done on Friday, but on Saturday we were able to teach 2 native people that were taught in the past. One guy  we met with was the mayor of metlakatla a few years ago, hes pretty solid. I guess he's been coming to church weekly and participating in the lessons over there. And we taught him about tithing and he wants to start paying it, he's just solid and told us that he believes this is the truth. Then the other guy we taught is Frank, a few years ago he had a stroke and so he has bad memory now. He carries a book of mormon all over the place with him I guess and we gave him a bible to go with it. We taught him the plan of salvation, and it went really well, he's pretty solid. And guess what? it was sunny over in metlakatla! Also, we went and saw the french speaking lady Bernadette, and brought the RM with us. He pretty much taught the whole first lesson in french, it was really cool to hear it in another language. She wants us to come back and she wants us to teach her more english haha so that'll be interesting but should be fun. We also taught this guy about the book of mormon and kind of the restoration, hes super smart and knows alot about religion. It was fun talking and teaching him. He wants us to come back on the 7th and teach him again. Should be good, he's solid and super open.  And it was super fun to be able to see Burke and Andrea and family. Jaxson (sorry if thats spelled wrong) is super tall now.  Kinda surprised me when I saw him haha. It was fun though, we were able to eat at this pretty good place called the Fish House, and they have super good fish and chips there. It was lots of fun seeing them. And I got your package, thank you! Its always fun to get packages and letters.

And all the weddings sound like they were super good and awesome to be at.   Good job on getting your deacons duty to God certificate Brolin!  And im glad Blake and Nancy and family are excited to go on their mission, its awesome that hes got lessons set up for him for when he gets there. It would be awesome to be trained by apostles.
  For your questions, So most of my new investigators Ive found lately have been locals, some are here for the summer but most are locals I think. And even though the sun stays up later we still have to be in at 9, and its not too hard falling asleep with the sun still up. Most of the time its over cast though so its not usually that bright outside when its time to go to bed, most of the time its cloudy or rainy. Uncle Burke and Andrea and family got to see the rainy ketchikan weather. Wish it was warmer and sunny for them though. I guess the weather forecast for this week is rainy everyday too, hopefully the sun will come out and play though. And Elder Weber likes to fish too, were gonna go fishing today even though its slightly rainy. sorry you couldnt see any of the pictures I sent, I forgot my card reader so Ill get those sent to you guys again next week, as well as the pictures from metlakatla and this week. For the music, I might send home some of my cds today for you to put onto the ipod, and Ill send the rules with them so you can see. Anything that Alyssa listens to is fine for me to listen too.  And the car does have a cd player and we have one in the apartment for our cds. Ill send the rules but mainly they want us listening to uplifting music and not listening anything with intense beats that drive the spirit away. I think that was all your questions.. Let me know if I missed any.

   Oh and theres a missionary fireside on the 6th that family and friends and people can watch on the internet. It sounds like its gonna be good. Heres the link And if you really really want to watch it and the link to watch it isnt working you can listen to it over the phone, the number is 886-423-1957 and the code is 603-6103#  Its at 6:30-8pm Alaska time. I dont know if you guys are gonna want to watch it or not but if you do you have the link now. Oh and tell the Faggiolis hi back for me. Anyways, I think thats it for the week. I hope you have a wonderful week and I love you guys!

 Love Elder Roney

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