Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Hey everyone!

   Happy Halloween! So Ill start out answering questions. Yes, I did get those boots, they will do the job, theyre rated to -60, so theyll work really well. Dad, I dont have a wells fargo account anymore, I cancelled it before I came out so I only have my America First bank account that I use, so hopefully you meant youre ready to put money into the America First account at harmons. And I totally spaced asking sister Loflin to take the type writer with her and she left last monday, but its alright, if I really want one when I get back Ill be able to find one in Utah. Also mom, you asked what town elder Butlers from, he is from Kimberly Idaho, and hes been here in homer for his entire first year of his mission, pretty neat. I still eat alot of good fresh seafood, I actually had fresh king crab a couple nights ago. A less active lady in the ward owns a really good sea food restaraunt called Crabbies, and for dinner she had us come eat there for free and she told us to get whatever we want, it was way good. For the salmon you guys want, instead of you guys paying a member for fresh salmon Ill you guys send some of mine, theres no way I can eat all of my salmon I caught. So Ill send that probably sometime this week or next monday for sure. Do you just want salmon? or do you want some halibut as well?? How many vacume sealed packages of salmon and or halibut do you guys want? Let me know soon. Dad, you know that Jason Bills guy you wanted us to find? Hes been showing up to church the past couple weeks and we have his address and number and weve been assigned to be his home teachers. So thats pretty sweet, weve also been assigned 4 other people to be hometeachers of as well, and 2 of the people we have to find because all they gave us were their names without any contact information at all. So hopefully we can find them soon.  Its definitely getting colder, yea its probably in the high 20s in the morning, and it heats up to the 30s or maybe 40s during the day, its chilly. But its not cold enough that I have had to wear any thermals yet, because were mostly inside houses and the truck unless were tracting or walking because were out of miles. Like today it snowed an inch or so and its in the 30s right now, and we have to ride bikes to do everything or walk if we cant get ahold of a family with bikes because were just about out of miles for the month, we just have enough miles to get back to the apartment from the place we email. But I have been wearing those socks you sent me and all my socks are warm enough and good, so hopefully I dont freeze today.
   Thats awesome that Blake was called as a mission president! And its cool he announced it at the convention and it was recieved well. Thats gonna be a cool experience for them. And I never recieved any clip in the email if thats how he sent it. It sounds like the convention was pretty good too, thats always good. Too bad BYU lost their game against TCU but good they won their first basketball game. Those pumpkins are sweet, looks like it was alot of fun for you guys. And it sounds like theyve all got pretty good costumes for halloween, Im going as a missionary haha. Were actually not going in early, we normally would but we were asked to help out with the ward party here tonight. Were going to be costume judges and help dish out food. If we werent asked to help out we would be in the apt. at around 7 doing more studying and maybe handing out candy or maybe book of mormons hahaha. Thats good that Brandi has been coming to church, thatd be cool if she accepts the invitation to be baptized. Ive got some bummer news, we met with Julian this last week and he isnt getting baptized on the 5th anymore, he feels rushed and wants to take it slower, also he didnt want people thinking hes being baptized for the wrong reasons like because he just was married to an lds lady, but we told him that no one will but hes still worried they will and just feels rushed. But he said he for sure will be baptized just not as soon as we would of liked. So now its not a matter of If he will be baptized but a matter of When he will be baptized. But Spud had his farewell talk yesterday, thats awesome that hes going in this Wednesday. And Derek just getting started his mission papers, thats pretty awesome too. Itll be fun to see where he gets called to. It sounds like everything went pretty well this last week for everyone.
   This week was pretty good for the most part. Its a bummer Julians not being baptized this weekend, but its good he isnt rushing and doing it for the wrong reason. But weve stayed really busy this last week which is great, and we have 2 new investigators we picked up, one is a lady we tracted into and she seems way interested and were going back soemtime in the next few days. And the other is a lady weve met with once and we met with again a few days ago. Weve been getting lots of referrals as well, yesterday we got 3 referrals from ward members, its awesome that theyre finally giving us more referrals and getting a little bit more involved. We had exchanges on friday. It was good, I was here in Homer with one of our zone leaders and elder Butler went up to Soldatna with the other zone leader again, it went really well, I like going on exchanges, in Homer we dont see other missionaries very often because the closest ones are 2 hours away, so its fun to see and go on exchanges with missionaries. On friday we were at the hospital in long term care like we usually do and they were having their halloween contest, it was pretty fun. All of them but 2 were in wheel chairs with costumes draped over them haha. The majority of them were asleep or looked sort of miserable/angry but it was kind of funny because they had angry faces or asleep and they were in pumpkin, ladybug, bumble bee, mermaid, ghost, butterfly and mad scientist costumes haha. Is that aweful that I think its kind of funny? Anyways, but this week overalls been super good, weve stayed busy and had some successful days and pretty unsuccessful days. Also, tell the voeks thank you for the package for me, Im already using the scripture case. Anyways, I gotta go, I love you all and hope you have a good halloween. Also, let me know about the fish you guys want sent to you.

Love Elder Ashton Roney

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