Monday, June 4, 2012

Schooooools out...for...summer!

Hey everyone!
  I'll start out by responding to some of your questions. Willard got his test results back and he doesn't have anything wrong with him, no cancer. We didn't end up going over to Metlakatla because the weather was too windy and so the float planes couldn't take off safely, so were going this thursday and friday. And we will be sleeping in the church, fun stuff right?  We are going to bring sleeping bags with us instead of borrowing from members over there.  The natives over there I don't know too much about, but  the island is a reservation so they pretty much have their own little laws they go by.  The way the plane ride is paid for is by the mission president, he goes online and gets the reservations for us, then since they're all paid for we can change the reservation to whatever days work best for us if it gets cancelled or something, its pretty sweet. When it got cancelled president Beesley told me to just pick when we go over and for how long then let him know.  And once we're over there that family or another member will pick us up and drop us off at the church then we walk everywhere from there. It's a small island though, so its easy to get around and there's not super annoying steep hills to walk up so its easy.

 This weeks been pretty good, we met up with Kodie again and taught him about the 10 commandments. He grew up in a christian home so he generally knew about them but didn't quite understand what they meant or said so we just read out of exodus 20 and went into more detail about what each one was saying and meant. So it was a good lesson. This next time were going to listen to John Bytheways talk Solo Flight with him about feeling the spirit and recognizing it, it should be good, he's definitely felt it we just have to get him to recognize that he has.  We were able to meet up with Matt again, he ended up hurting his knee, he fell down some stairs and he thought he tore his ACL, but he got an MRI and found out that nothing is hurt, which is awesome, because if it was torn then he would have to leave to get it fixed and probably wouldnt come back depending on how long it took to heal (he came up to work with the cruise ship stuff). So now since nothings hurt we still have him as an investigator! And we taught him a little bit more about the Book of Mormon when we met with him and then gave him a restoration pamphlet to read before we come back. So he's doing awesome, hopefully we can meet with him on his next day off. Then we havent been able to meet with Kim again yet, we tried going to see her at her apartment but when we did her husband answered and he was less than friendly or welcoming. He was in the middle of hosting a meeting service for the church of God, so he's definitely not a good or promising candidate to be taught so far haha. So we're just trying to get ahold of her to teach her again.  Then we were able to have Ty Detmer give us a fireside about his conversion, he was up in Juneau and we had it broadcasted to us down here. It was good, he didn't have any single moment where he knew he needed to join the church or anything, he said it was a gradual process. It was super good. Then at church one of the young single adult RM members that are up here to work for the summer told us that he's been working with someone and that we're going to start teaching him haha. It was awesome, the work definitely speeds up in the summer time. Other than that the weeks been pretty good, alot of contacting referrals, less active members, and potentials and alot of tracting around in the rainy/sunny/cloudy/windy streets, the weather here is bipolar. But it's definitely starting to get warmer, it's been in the 50s and low 60s lately, it's been kinda nice. And when the sun comes out Ketchikan is so much prettier and awesome! I love it here, oh yea and we got our transfer call on Saturday. Were both staying here, I'm so happy that I'm staying in beautiful Ketchikan another transfer. And it sounded like your week was good, it's gotta be nice to be out of school for summer, all the kids here are super excited to be done haha. So anyways, sorry this letters so short but I gotta go, if I missed anything I'll put it in my next email. oh yea and what day is Burke and Andrea gonna come in on the cruise ship? June 28th? Anyways, love you guys! Hope you all have a wonderful week, and a good fun summer!

    Love Elder Roney

(funny photo!)

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