Saturday, April 28, 2012

Spring has Sprung!

Hey everyone!
  So this week was pretty good. We got our transfer call on Saturday. Im staying in Ketchikan and training a new missionary, I dont know his name or anything about him yet or I'd tell you, and Elder Satini is going to Juneau to be a district leader. So that was pretty cool I guess, I'm glad I'm still going to be in Ketchikan. And I'll be here for at least 3 more months because of the 12 week training program. And a member is going to get me a free fishing license that lasts a year. I'm super stoked about it since I'm gonna be here for the summer during fishing season. Oh and I helped set apart this kid in the ward as a missionary, it was awesome! So he ended up studying with us one morning, it was pretty good, I wish I would of studied with the missionaries or something like that before I came out. And they're bringing down some stuff for me, they asked me if I wanted to send anything down with them to give you since they knew we live so close to the MTC. So I had them take a bag of stuff, just a few presents for Brolin, Avery and Braedon for their birthday. So don,t be surprised if some people from Alaska show up on the door step with a bag of things. They're the Jones' btw, hes gonna be a good missionary. And guess what?? We get a car on Wednesday!! So even though I have been building up my man child legs just like Braedon was, that's gonna come to a well welcomed end haha.  Since the car we crashed hasnt even been worked on at all were getting a car shipped to us from Juneau, I'm so excited, now I don't have to get all muddy from biking in the rain, yay! So that's pretty awesome, it's probably gonna be a subaru too! So we taught Kodie twice this week, once on Monday like usual, and we taught him about the plan of salvation, then on wednesday we taught him again about the word of wisdom. They both went super good, and we got Kodie to come to church on Sunday too. It was good. Then we picked up some good potential investigators that have return appointments, one seems super interested, and I'm not sure how interested the other one really is. But still, return appointments are awesome, haven't had too many of those so far here in Ketchikan. So that was pretty exciting, things are starting to pick up this past week. Its funny, the ward has been doing this ward 40 day fast where who ever feeds us that night fasts that day for missionary work then breaks their fast with us. And we haven't really gotten any referrals during the fast, but now that its over the works starting to pick up and we've got some good potentials and some referrals, its kind of funny how that works. So thats pretty much the week, its been a good one.

   It sounds like yours has been pretty good, Happy Birthday Avery! Hope it was pretty great for you, sounds like it was crazy  though. So for your questions real quick, Kodie had a bunch of the lessons before he moved up here, weve only taught him the restoration, plan of salvation, and the word of wisdom so far. And well probably the him the gospel of Jesus Christ next time, or maybe tithing or something. No idea how his family is reacting, they're probably fine with him looking into the church. Thats how it sounds at least. That guy youre talking about with all the cool stuff was in Eagle River, hopefully theyre still working with him.  And my man child legs are definitely being built up haha.And Ill send pictures next week, I have to get some stuff done before elder Satini and elder Denison(prince of wales island missionary/previous district leader) fly out. Love you guys! Hope you have a good week!

  Love Elder Roney

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