Monday, March 12, 2012

Northern Lights

Hey everyone!

So this week was good. we got our transfer calls, I'm leaving Eagle River and going down to Ketchikan!   I'm so stoked, it's in the very south east part of Alaska, right where all the missionaries want to go haha.   So that'll be sweet.   I'm taking 2 plane rides and 1 ferry ride to get there.   Also this week we shoveled off 3 roofs, that was pretty crazy how much snow came down this winter.   Oh and guess what? I saw the NORTHERN LIGHTS!!!   It was insane!  On thursday our mission president sent out a text to all the missionaries and told us all to go out and watch them.   So we were probably out there until 12:30 watching them.  At about midnight they just exploded and were dancing all across the entire sky.  There were purples, yellows, greens, and a little bit of red every now and then, it was sooooo cool!   They looked like the super cool ones you see in pictures.   But we paid for it the next day, we were all super tired all day. But it was awesome!   My little camera couldn't get good pictures but some of the other missonaries got some good pictures.   I'll steal theirs and send them home.  And it was Elder Coombs birthday, he turned 20 on Tuesday.   We barely got something together just in time for his birthday. The sisters went and bought the supplies and then they set it up and we surprised him, so pretty much the sisters did all the work haha.   But it was good, lots of fun. So that was pretty much all the exciting stuff that happened this week. Pretty good week, I went on exchanges too. I went with the zone leaders down into Anchorage, it was pretty crazy.   We were seeing people in the ghetto of Anchorage and saw some pretty interesting people.   I'm glad I didn't get sent to Anchorage.    So this week was good.

 I'm glad everyone's doing so good.   I gotta go, I hope you guys have a good week, love you guys!

Love Elder Roney

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