Monday, September 19, 2011

better week in Alaska

Hey everyone!
So this weeks been good here. We went on exchanges on Wednesday with the zone leaders. It was great, I went up to Soldatna from tuesday night to wednesday night. It was alot of fun I was with Elder Flynn, it was a super busy day which was great. We gave a lady a blessing in the hospital, it was pretty cool, hopefully she gets better. Im not sure what exactly was wrong with her, it was pretty bad though. We helped move a family, and we saw other missionaries! I love seeing other missionaries because the closest missionaries to us are an hour or two away. When we were moving, Alyssa and her companion helped too. It was fun to see her again. It sounds like shes doing pretty good in Kenai. Also, our investigator Michelle is being baptized on October 22nd! Its gonna be awesome. Yesterday when we were tracting everyone we tracted into was actually nice to us! We got two potential investigators from tracting too, and we picked up an investigator during another lesson yesterday, her name is Lily. Im not sure how far she'll go in the lessons, she asked alot of deep, hard to answer questions and seemed like she didnt want to really accept it that much, but she said we could teach her again on sunday and she told us she would read the book of mormon and pray about it. So hopefully next week will go better with her. Were going to try to teach one of our investigators Amanda Smith more this week and set up more times that we can teach her. She seems pretty solid and receptive to what we teach her. The man in the hospital that we gave to blessings is out of the hospital and recovering now. He and his wife both had pnumonea and another virus that attacked the weakest part of their bodies which was his lungs and his wifes kidney. And it hit them at the same time and went away at the same time too and they had they exact same thing, so theyre kindof a mystery at the hospital. Theyre both back at home and getting better. This week the works been picking up so this last weeks been pretty good. This weeks gonna be pretty good. Tomorrow were going on the fairy {ferry} to Kodiak.   They need our truck for some reason even though they already have trucks. But then on wednesday were flying from Kodiak to Anchorage for zone conference on thursday. Then were driving a different truck back to Homer on thursday or friday, Im not sure which day though.   Im excited for all that.   So this weeks gonna be pretty good. Its no good that BYU lost, they got destroyed. Its good that everyones doing good and staying busy. And its good that the weathers good in Orem, here its rained almost everyday, again, so nothing new there, and its starting to get into the low to mid 50s here, and its gotten into the high 40s. Its good that sister Fields sent you those pictures, they took that like the first week I was in Homer, im pretty sure it was the first time I did any service here. I should be able to get the right coat and boots here before it gets too cold. I know I can get the right boots here, but Im not sure about a good nice coat, I should be able to get one here. But I might be able to get one in Anchorage maybe but if I need help getting a good one ill let you guys know. I think the only way you guys could help me get that stuff is if I cant find a good one for less than $150 Ill have you send me one. For your questions, I have not gotten your package yet, I got the letter on friday though. So I should get it today, or if you sent it to the mission office address they probably kept it and will give it to me when im at zone conference.  It was pretty fun to be up on that ladys roof   The reason you have to get the moss off your roof is that the moss holds all the moisture.  If it gets bad enough, your roof could collapse or be damaged. Shes a member, but shes an older lady so she couldnt really get up there.   It could probably rot the roof too, im not really sure though.  Its good that lady's { a non-member gal in our ward} gonna be taking lessons, having the missionaries will help alot. Anyways, thats about it for this week, well I gotta go, Love you guys! 

Love Elder Roney

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