Monday, July 15, 2013


Hey everyone!

 This week was good, definitely better than last week. For pday we went out with the member of the branch and went beach mining with him for about an hour or two, we got a little bit of gold haha. It was fun, but it made me realize that I definitely dont want to be a beach miner and do that for a living.
  We went to Teller again this week. We werent able to see Willie because he had some things come up but we were able to talk to another lady named Sheryl and taught her the restoration and invited her to be baptized, she said yes. So it was a good trip, we saw her and William Topsekok, the one member who lives there. Williams doing awesome, hes such a solid member in a place you wouldnt expect. He told us that for the first time in 10 years there will be a police officer stationed in Teller. Which is good because he was saying that theres one of his neighbors whos super sketch, and does things like aims his rifle at you as you walk past his house and acts like hes going to get you with his knife and threatened to shoot Williams brother haha. Pretty sketchy for sure, William and a couple guys he works with was telling us about all this crazy stuff that happens there.
  We werent able to see Angela this week, when we went over the first time she was pretty busy and the second time we went over there she was sick. But were going to try to see her in the next day or two.
  Carol left town, I cant remember where shes traveling to but she left Nome for a few weeks.
  We tracted into a lady who at the time just woke up and she told us we could come back another time. So we went back yesterday and taught her and her boyfriend the restoration. They paid really good attention and listened really intently for people who were intoxicated a bit haha. but were going back today so it should be good.
  Anyways, Ill keep it pretty short since Im going to be home in a week or so. I got my flight info, you guys should get one pretty soon too if you already havent. let me know if you got it or not and if you didnt Ill give you the info next week. Love you guys!

 Love Elder Ashton Roney

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